
Tuesday 4 June 2013

Adventure thrilling Snowboarding

You have snowboard and will travel. Are you looking for an adventure destination that not everyone is flocking to? Do you want to be able to talk not just about the great runs but also the travel adventure you had in getting to slopes? Here are three adventure destinations for snowboarding.
Timberline Resort on Mt. Hood in Oregon is just one of them. It is one of the highest ski areas in the US and thanks to the altitude; you can snowboard on it year round. The runs are some of the best out there and it's no wonder that Timberline is a snowboarding adventure.  The adventure Snowboarding is sponsored by flights to Harare from UK.
Tierra del Fuego is the ultimate adventure snowboarding destination. In the southern most inhabited area of the world, winters are cold and snowfall is heavy. The result is snow capped mountains that reach all the way to sea. What better place to enjoy snowboarding. With several excellent ski areas, you're never far from the slopes. When you look south while snowboarding, you are looking unobstructed all the way to Antarctica. It really is the ultimate snowboard adventure destination.
Another adventure snowboarding destination is in South Africa. The only ski resort south of the Sahara desert is the Tiffendell Resort. With a 2000 foot run and snow for 3 months every year, it's the best place in Africa for snowboarding. Africa conjures up images of desert, jungles, and savannas. Imagine the stories you'll have from your adventure heading down the slopes in Africa. This paragraph is sponsored by travel to Victoria fall.
I'm sure you can start thinking of other interesting adventure snowboarding destinations. Pack your backpack and your snowboard and start hitting the slopes in adventure destinations.

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